'At the very same moment when the whole world is at our fingertips, it also seems completely out of our hands'
Making. Tim Ingold 2013
For millennia humans have transformed single strands of materials to construct forms for everyday use. Making and the exchange of Knowledge and skills is as important as the end result. It grants us the opportunity to form profound connections, to be an active partner in a creative process and with materials. This tacit knowledge was once passed on from generation to generation.
The Selfie stick is used here as a metaphor to explore the interrelation between the maker's hand, the materials and processes. The resulting abstract sculptures, bags, sheaths and covers serve as a connection to objects of everyday human use. Also known as the 'Wand of Narcissus, it alludes to a digital world at our fingertips, inward tendencies and self absorption. We consume more and more in images rather than through real experiences. Have we become passive mass consumers in an online world, constantly seeking connection, yet more disconnected than ever?
Exhibition at The Haven, Church Lane, Banbury, May/June 2017